May 31, 2023
Lefty astroquark Jim Cooney leads us on an exploration of what it means for the universe to have chirality. In other words, is there a break in parity in the way galaxies are distributed, or would the universe look the same if we saw its mirror image? The answer and its possible explanation are fascinating. And Josh...
May 24, 2023
We take a deep dive into the origin of Mars’s moons and whether they are chips off the old block. There’s no research to explain the mystery of why Mars and the rest of the planets are even here after billions of years, when the solar system seems to be inherently unstable. And astronomers may have caught a star in...
May 10, 2023
We explore the strange ring system of dwarf planet Quaoar, and discuss a new study that suggests that Uranus's four largest moons (which aren't really very large!) may have subsurface salty oceans. In the astrophysical realm, black holes may have emerged from the chaotic soup of energy during the inflation era when the...